A Womans Wrath part 2

To her right is the one grimy little window, to her left, the table. She is knitting a sock, rocking the cradle with her...

A Womans Wrath part 1

Introduction The Yiddish, or Judceo-German, dialect was employed for general -f- purposes some centuries before the beginning of what is known as Yiddish Literature. It...

Travel Bulgaria

A temptation to travel Bulgaria to see the Monastery and its unique architecture Travel Bulgaria – The Rila Monastery – unity of spirituality, culture and nature… The...

Children and Old Folk

Ivan Cankar (18—?—1919) Cankar was one of the most promising of the younger group of Slovenian writers. He had established a solid reputation as novelist,...

Neighbor part 4

Husband! He had never thought of that. Suddenly a cold sweat appeared on his brow. He went out and roamed until dawn around the...

Neighbor part 3

“Be righteous, Pero, not being successful as a soldier. Even be a laborer, but remain honest as all your ancestors. Here is a revolver...

Bulgaria private tours Kazanlak

Bulgaria private tours Kazanlak – Twelve happy and lovely Dutch people (six couples and twelve friends) left The Netherlands to visit my beautiful and...

Neighbor part 2

From the huge yard, transformed into a garden, was wafted an agreeable breeze. A canary was heard singing from a nearby window, and elsewhere...

Neighbor part 1

Croatian Antun Gustav Matos – (1873-1914) Antun Gustav Matos was the son of a village schoolmaster. Shortly after his birth he was taken to Zagreb, where...

Bulgaria Private Tour

Make your Bulgaria private tour a way of living Bulgaria private tour – Although Bulgaria is a small country, it offers many places to see...

Skobelef part 3