The Attendant`s Confession part 3
But that came soon enough. One day, when I was a trifle late in giving him a massage, he took his cane and struck...
The Attendant`s Confession part 2
Arriving there, I heard bad reports concerning the colonel. He was pictured to me as a disagreeable, harsh, exacting fellow; nobody could endure him,...
The Attendant`s Confession part 1
J. M. Machado De Assis (1839-1908)
Born at Rio de Janeiro of poor parents, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis began his literary career at an...
The Story of Ming-Y part 11
Did she not sing the songs of Kao- pien? And upon the brush-case and the paper-weight’she gave your son, are there not characters which...
The Story of Ming-Y part 10
Then Ming-Y produced the gifts that Sie had given him—the lion of yellow jade, the brush-case of carven agate, also some original compositions made...
The Story of Ming-Y part 9
She brushed the bright drops away, and brought wine and music and the melodious kin of seven silken strings, and would not suffer Ming-Y...
The Story of Ming-Y part 8
So the summer waxed and waned upon their love, and the luminous autumn came, with its vapors of phantom gold, its shadows of magical...
The Story of Ming-Y part 7
The birds awakened, the flowers opened their eyes to the rising sun, and Ming-Y found himself at last compelled to bid his lovely enchantress...
The Story of Ming-Y part 6
“The honor and gratification, dear lady,” replied Ming-Y, “will be mine; and I feel helpless to express the gratitude which the offer of so...
The Story of Ming-Y part 5
“Nay, friend,” she said, “stay yet a little while in my house, I pray you; for, should your honored patron ever learn that you...